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Artist: Angie Blackstone (@blackstone_angie)

Watercolour technique on black paper. This artwork was inspired by the story based around a sleepless city. The point of view was created using a perspective plan. Enhanced by bright colour projected from the buildings to the encompassing darkness of the night, a form of intense light keeping the city population’s heart alive.

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Artist: Poppy Farr (@farrpoppy)

Paint marker on white canvas paper, “The autumnal mushrooms taking their oxygen from the earth’s rich soil.”

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Artist: Coty Kovach (@cotycreate)

Digital painting. Inspired by a species that mate for life. There's an alluring simplicity to this kind of instinctual love.

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Artist: Abi McGowan (@amart.x)

“I was left alone. Though the clouds drift away, I will never forget you. This heart in my hands I hold out to you.”

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Artist: Raven Singleton (@moonlitraven_)

My focus for this piece was tying the zodiac sign Libra in with the tarot card for justice. They both have to do with finding balance and finding true justice within an argument and within the world in general.

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Artist: Stephen Farr (@8ballmanagement)

Digital oil painting, “Once divided in conflict, we rebuild our friendship again, in a battle that has been won through trust.”

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Artist: Jeffrey Singleton (@nicd.101)

Acrylic on reclaimed plywood. The daily grind of the corporate machine expending the people as a license to print money.

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Artist: Brynhildr Hennelly (@brynmelrakki_)

Soft pastels on paper. Inspired by imagery from a music video wherein the world was being destroyed and one person remained, alone without a home. The literal sense of the world falling apart among many others.

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Artist: Aimée Nayexus Leigh (@nayexus)

Digital painting. This piece emphasises the asphyxiation of smothering in both the metaphorical and physical sense. The hands and spiderlike webbing cover the unique features of the person and, much like a spiders’ prey are left as nothing but a husk of who they once were.

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Artist: Sarah Jane Farr (@sjay71)

Acryllic paint on paper, “The angel’s wings capturing the snowfall of a Russian dawning.”

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Artist: Kyle J Wilson (@kyleblaqk)

Digital oil painting. This piece shows how shadows can be cast from a great distance and yet still meet, a metaphor for being looked out for without you immedietly being aware.

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